Test Your Breakthrough Skills

  • Each one of the 30 prompts in the Test represents a key factor in your ability to design your Breakthrough Blueprint.

  • Make a note of those that strike a chord and those that might deserve your attention for future development.

  • The Chapters in this book will guide you to improve them all in significant ways so you can master them.

Breakthrough Skills Self-Evaluation What’s Your Capacity for Breakthrough?

Check all the items that apply to you:
  I focus on ambitious goals and live my vision one day at a time
  I decide to change before anything or anyone decides for me
  I analyze “what is” and envision “what can be”
  I consider myself “in training” for life like a professional athlete
  I’m not content with the status quo, I constantly look for alternatives
  I use humor to shift perspectives and bond with other people
  I know my values and I make decisions based on them
  I’m resilient under pressure, I bounce back fast from negative situations
  I can vividly describe how I perform at my best in detail
  I respond to challenges with positive emotion
  I act the way I want to feel and radiate confidence with my body
  I can navigate chaos and ambiguity safely and wisely
  I see myself as a contribution to my community and the world
  I interpret challenges as life lessons that help me be more creative
  I use creative thinking tools to generate new ideas and value
  I don’t need to achieve to be happy; I happily achieve
  I choose to go beyond what’s required for a project if it improves the results
  I manage energy rather than time
  I use benchmarks to understand their value and exceed them
  I lead by example and recruit others to join projects with a compelling vision
  I am good at inspiring others and assist them in their personal development
  People often tell me that my contributions are meaningful and significant
  I take informed and calculated risks to achieve extraordinary results
  People often ask me for advice on how to improve their lives and careers
  I know what my strengths are and how I apply them in unique ways
  I ask questions to understand what matters most in a situation
  I work to make a difference in the world and leave a legacy
  I practice visualization and mental rehearsal to improve my performance
  I’m a thinker who always aims to be a better thinker
  I see the glass full and a half