TV and Video Interviews

TV INTERVIEW on PBS Charlotte - “Charlotte, City of International Success”


Video Interviews and Podcasts

VIDEO - "I See What You Are Saying: The Disciplined Listening Podcast" - interview by author Michael Reddington


VIDEO: “How to Win before you Win” - Podcast interview by Emma Doyle on “The Coaching Podcast”


VIDEO - “More Than Words Show” Podcast interview by John Sanchez


Audio Interviews and Podcasts

AUDIO Interview with Mark Peres for his podcast “On Life and Meaning”


AUDIO Interview with Mark Greene for his podcast “Cars Yeah” - Inspiring Automotive Enthusiasts [Web Page]


AUDIO Interview with Clifford Waddell for his podcast “The S.A.NE. Show”


Written Interviews

Are You Operating at your Peak Performance? An Interview with Carlos Salum (Motorsports Prospects - Canada)

How to Perform at Your Best - Interview with Carlos Salum (Hungry People - Philippines)

Design Your Leadership Strategy - GoSolo Subkit Magazine (USA)


Interviews in Books and Collaborations


“On Life and Meaning” by Mark Peres [Web Page]

Chapter: “Theaters of Purpose”


“The American Workday” by Austin Halbert [Amazon]

Chapter: “Writer”


“Aretha Cool” by Matthew Jordan Smith [Website] - Original Artwork for photography book on Aretha Franklin


Interviews in Spanish

BUSINESS MAGAZINE - Interview by Oscar Pinco in “Ecocuyo” - Mendoza, Argentina

TGIF It’s Friday Reels with Gary Frey

Gary Frey mention on Reel


Tennis Coaching Video Interviews (Spanish)

VIDEO - Interviews by Daniel Spatz on Peak Performance and Mental Toughness Training for Tennis


VIDEO - Interview by Gustavo Rodas (Mexico) on Mental Toughness Training for Tennis