A Decade of Breakthrough Results (2010 - 2020)
/My Work is a Theater of Purpose
Imagine. Improve. Inspire. Ignite.
Here's a summary of my Decade of Breakthrough Results as an international Leadership Performance Strategist:
Consulted corporate and executive clients in 25 industries based in 5 continents. [Clients]
Participated in international corporate turnaround processes that involved merging diverse cultures and geographical locations to increase efficiency, productivity, sales and assets under management in the billions of dollars.
Assisted world-class professional athletes in their conquest of international tournaments and championships by becoming mentally tough. [Sports Peak Performance]
Contributed to the design of a personal Breakthrough Blueprint with international business leaders seeking to generate greater results, have deeper social impact and build an inspiring legacy. [Leadership Strategy] [Career Transitions] [Leadership Legacy]
Spoke at prestigious international events such as the Nobels Colloquia in Venice, Italy, alongside Nobel Laureates and Professors in Economics and Management, as well as renowned universities in the USA and Europe. [Speaking and Training]
Organized the lectures of Richard Saul Wurman, the legendary founder of the TED Conferences in Charlotte, NC and participated in the launch of TEDxCharlotte as the opening speaker. [The Tao of Richard Saul Wurman]
Launched TheSircle Executive Club dinners in Charlotte, NC, followed by international events in Ancona, Italy and Zurich, Switzerland. [TheSircle Executive Club]
Started the Tennis Industry Association Innovation Challenge focused on promoting new technologies to increase engagement and participation in the game, which sprouted a platform to promote new concepts, alliances and start-ups in the United States, Europe and Asia.
Promoted the development of a global Sport Technology Accelerator focused on Tennis in association with leAD Sports Tech Accelerator in Berlin and collaborated with experts in Silicon Valley and Barcelona. [Request more information]
Participated in TV interviews, podcasts, online and book profiles on the alignment and integration of Peak Performance skills applied to succeeding in business and sports. [About]
Contributed to the development of Latino Leaders in Charlotte, NC, through Leadership classes on “The Creativity and Innovation Mindset” organized by the Latin American Chamber of Commerce Charlotte.
Established a collaboration to produce a film series focused on inspiring stories from sports with one of the most successful TV producers in the industry.
Started a book to be completed in 2020 with the title “The Glass is Full and a Half” on the lessons learned as a Leadership Performance Strategist in business, sports and art.
Got into the best fitness shape in my life through a sport science program centered on my needs as a tennis player and to support my longevity.
Design Your Path to Breakthrough: here are key Questions you can answer to start your New Decade in the right direction.